Ends on

Please upload the following:

  • Two-page CVs of the core MI faculty fellows who are proposing the working group. The core group must be in residence during the academic year in which the working group is in session.
  • A one-or two-page statement of the nature and significance of the problem or issue to which the working group will be devoted. The description must explain how the proposed working group will fulfill the aims of this program. Please also note the names of other potential participants, both faculty and advanced graduate students, as well as the names and institutional affiliations of potential visiting speakers, with a brief description of the relevance of their current scholarship to the enterprise of the working group.
  • A mission statement for the working group of no longer than one paragraph. This will be made publicly viewable via the MI's website.
  • Names and email addresses for the working group's organizers. This information too will be made publicly viewable on the MI's site.
  • A detailed budget.

For more information about MI working groups go to medieval.nd.edu/research/working-groups

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